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French : false beginners : 200 exercises + model answers, Workbook

Par Demontrond-Box, Estelle

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  • 18,95$ /unité

Format Papier

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false beginners

French . This easy-to-use workbook has been designed specifically for beginners in French. It includes 200 fun-filled exercises (with answers) which follow a logical progression. You will be able to self-assess your level at the end of each chapter. Every aspect of the language has been covered, including grammar, spelling, vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation and accentuation..

  • 200 fun-filled exercises (with answers) to learn French
  • Tasks include : matching, fill the blanks, find the odd one, unscrambling exercises, crosswords, riddles and more.
  • Grammar, conjugation, spelling, pronunciation and accentuation
  • Test yourself with our self-assessment tasks


    • ISBN : 978-2-7005-8151-5
    • Éditeur : Assimil
    • Format : -

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